‘Your marriage – a place of refuge… yes, it really can be!’

Thursday 31st August 7:30pm and Friday 8th September 9:30am

with Dr Carolyn Russell

All marriages have ups and downs, but the health of ministry marriages is critical for our well-being and the health of our ministries. The busyness of ministry life can mean our marriages can be neglected if we’re not careful. Our marriages need time and attention as we seek to love our husbands and honour God in our marriages.  

At this seminar, ‘Your marriage – a place of refuge …. yes it really can be!’, Carolyn will teach us some of the building blocks of a secure and safe relationship, incorporating and combining Christian teaching and marriage research. The seminar will include interventions which can be helpful to remain in connection with each other in our marriages, even in stressful life circumstances. While this seminar will primarily be focussing on our own marriages,  you’ll be provided with a framework and tools which will help you minister to other couples. This is a seminar not to be missed!

We hope you can join us either Thursday evening at Southside Presbyterian Church, Eight Mile Plains or Friday morning at City North Baptist Church, Kedron. A creche will be provided on Friday morning. Babies in arms are welcome on Thursday night.

Please register for this event on the home page.

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BMWN Committee

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