Mark Driscoll – “Death by Ministry”
- 1500 pastors leave ministry every month
- 50% of pastors are so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if they could.
- The problem is that they don’t feel they have a skill set that will land them a job that can feed their family.
- 80% of bible college students will leave the ministry in 5 years.
- Ministry gets difficult quickly
- 50% of pastors’ marriage will end in divorce.
- 40% of pastors polled admitted to an adulterous affair after entering the ministry.
- Sexual sin is a primary reason why ministers’ families are falling apart and why pastors leave the ministry.
- 84% of pastors’ spouses feel unqualified and discouraged in their role.
- 80% of pastors’ wives wish their husband would choose another profession.
- 70% of pastors constantly fight depression.
- It’s hard not to get depressed when dealing with people. People will ultimately disappoint you.