We are hoping to encourage the development of female speakers for various women’s events in South-east Queensland. We want to make experienced speakers accessible to women’s groups, as well as give experience to those starting out. And so we are seeking to compile a directory. Hopefully the following questionnaire will be helpful to that end.
Someone looking for a speaker can get to know a bit about a potential speaker before contacting them. Speakers can specify the type of talk they would be willing to give, what experience they have had and the group size they would be willing to speak at. We are keen for women with varying amounts of experience to fill in the questionnaire. That might be you, someone in your congregation or someone else you know.
Please feel free to other women to this information, who you think might be interested. NB. Completing this questionnaire does not commit the woman to accepting any specific speaking engagement.
The information on this questionnaire will be uploaded onto the Brisbane Ministry Wives Network website, in the locked section under Speaker Profiles – not available for public searches. Only ministry wives in our network, or those that contact us will be able to access it. We are hoping and praying that this will be a valuable resource for women running events and looking for a speaker.